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Friday, May 7, 2010

Sales shouldn't be hard...just hard work!

Most of my friends consider a career in sales "easy" money...roll into the office around 9am, long lunches and afternoon golf sessions...r  i  g  h  t...unless you are selling Cisco in 1999, its hard work.

I had been in slump over the winter and happen to get invited to join a linkedin group, this nutty guy was talking about jedi mastery, kicking ass, and called himself Uncle Paul...I figured what the heck.  I will check it out, and either block him or learn something new...I was in a serious need for a momentum swing.

I read several post before it dawned on me...basics.  The basic rules of sales have NEVER changed, what makes a person successful in sales is A C T I V I TY.  There are 3 things that will get you out of a slump:

1.  You don't need to bore me with arguments about social networking versus cold calling.  The fact is, do what comes naturally and what you are good at....and seriously...do it!  Set aside time everyday to connect with outsiders by calling, connecting or networking, whatever your method, ACTIVITY DRIVES OPPORTUNITY.

2.  Be an expert in your field, the 10,000 hour rule! You don't need to understand the details of a specific technology, but you better understand how your products and services can solve complex business issues.  And don't be afraid to turn down the sales ratchet, instead, get involved in professional organizations.  Stop treating them as opportunities to sell your product, but as opportunities to work side by side and get to know your prospects!  What better way to gain respect and trust, than by working on committees with business leaders who are passionate about the same things you are.

3.  Get motivated! Kick up the volume and let "Rock N Roll Ain't Noise Pollution" be heard around the office, head phones are a good option too.  I tend to watch some of my favorite movie clips to get me in the mood to cold call, like Al Pachino's Speach.

So sales is hard work, but it can be fun and rewarding too.  Always be enthusiastic about your approach, have a solid plan of attack, stay active and find sources of motivation to work through the tough times.  Of course getting a jump start from a crazy sales professional like Uncle Paul helps too.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention and the link to my site Nathan.

    Mighty nice of you my friend!

    Rock on!

    Paul (Uncle Paul) Castain
