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Monday, March 29, 2010

Dear Twitter...

So my co-worker has been after me to give twitter a serious trial.  I committed to giving it 30 days to see if it would stick for me.  My letter to Twitter;

     Dear Twitter:

I am sorry. I have spoken so poorly of you the last 6 months. My first impression was wrong, you are not a fad, you are not annoying, you are not texting, spam, noise, wasteful or redundant, you are not a toy, you are not passing through, you are not for everyone.

You're an outlet, time saver, answerer, questioner, friendship maker, informative, inspirational, thoughtful, creative an innovative.

Are you interested in life and how it is just damn hard. A place where it is OK to be mad, mad at yourself, your kids, your partner, your job, your parents, your spouse or just trying to figure out why you're mad.  Get with a crowd on twitter.

I read a post not long ago that helped me understand the essence of twitter. It is a creative tool that allows me the freedom to explore my worlds. As a husband, dad, lover, professional, Christ seeker, all can be discussed and shared with people...real people just like me that are interested in the same things that I am.

In my first week of tweeting I found help with so many things.  Like sifting through social media outlets, I found Amber  &  Julie.  Need some good advice on sales Eric always post some great links to articles.  Do you feel compelled to take on responsiblity and test your leadership abilities? Authentic leadership will help motivate you.  Do you want to be a better Dad? You can follow Dad's that are divorced, re-married, stuggling in marriage, wanting to be married or blending families.

I am excited about the weeks ahead.  Who knows what I might be following, debating or learning.  I might even catch on to the #, FF and other symbols that mean things to most but little to newbies like myself.

Thanks Twitter!

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